Why We Need to End Fat Phobia and Fat Shaming Now

We’ve all seen it—those negative comments and judgmental looks aimed at people based solely on their size. It is awful, embarrassing and something that should never, ever happen. There is beauty inside of every person, no matter their shape or size!

It’s high time we put an end to the harmful practice of fat phobia and fat shaming. Luckily, the world is starting to shift, and society is getting better at embracing body positivity and promoting kindness. This shift is so important to our emotional, physical, and social health and something we should all continue to work on. Let’s all agree to say goodbye to fat phobia and focus on compassion rather than shame.

What is Fat Phobia?

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The simplest way to describe fatphobia is the fear of fatness. It is both the fear of people who are overweight and also the fear of gaining too much weight yourself. The term refers to discrimination and negative stereotypes aimed at people larger than the average person. People who are fatphobic may be outwardly mean or act in more subtle, unintentional ways.

What is Fat Shaming?

sad woman laying in bed
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Fat shaming is criticizing or harassing people simply because they are overweight. It often involves making overweight people feel ashamed of themselves and of their eating habits. Fat shaming can be performed by an individual or as a group. It is outwardly mean and based solely on a person’s outward appearance and weight.

Why do People Fat Shame

two women gossiping
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Some people think that making overweight people ashamed of how they look will encourage them to become healthier. Other people fat shame because people who look different than they do make them uncomfortable. Still, others see excessive fat as being unattractive. No matter the reason behind the fat shaming, it is entirely wrong and immoral.

Effects of Fat Shaming

sad overweight woman
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Scientific studies have shown that fat shaming does not help overweight people become motivated to lose weight. In fact, it often has the opposite effect. It makes larger individuals feel bad about themselves, and it can lead to depression, overeating, and a higher risk of obesity. The bottom line is that fat shaming is never helpful.

Fat is Okay

two attractive curvy women in white shirts
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The first way we can stop fatphobia and fat shaming is to accept that being fat is okay. Some people are born with extra weight, while others may have health issues that make them carry around extra weight. Still others enjoy eating delicious food and love the body they are in, as they should!

Go Ahead and Say “Fat”

plus sized woman in a blue dress
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Another thing everyone should accept is saying the word fat. It is not a slur, it is not a bad word and should never be used in a derogatory way. Make it acceptable to reference fat without a negative connotation. Let’s all scream it from the rooftops! Fat should not be feared!

Other’s Weight is Not Your Business

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Always remember that someone else’s weight is none of your business. Unless you are a medical professional who has been specifically asked for advice, keep your opinions about other people’s weight to yourself. Their body and their general size are not your concern, and they likely will not appreciate your comments or critiques.

Fat is Not Lazy

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Know that there are plenty of overweight people who exercise regularly and lead very healthy lives. Just because someone has some extra fat on their bones does not mean they are lazy. Just take a look at professional sumo wrestlers who exercise extensively on a daily basis! Weight does not equate to a sedentary lifestyle.

Work On Yourself

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When you are around people who are considered fat, how do you feel? Consider your personal feelings and how you act toward people who are overweight. Fat shaming should stop with you! If we all focus on becoming more accepting on our own, humanity as a whole will improve.

Don’t Share Unsolicited Weight Loss Advice

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Never give an overweight person unsolicited advice about dropping pounds. Approaching them with fad diets, MLM products, or exercise routines will come off as rude and insensitive. If they want your help, they will ask. Remember that their body is not yours to judge or control.

Promote Weight Equality at Work

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Push your employer to conduct first-round interviews over the phone or by resume and email alone. This will help keep a person’s physical appearance out of the hiring process. Until we all accept that fat can be beautiful, it can help equality in the workplace if people are first heard rather than seen. It will also help the best candidate get the position rather than jumping to conclusions about a person’s abilities based on looks alone.

Never Comment on Food

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You should never comment on what a person eats, whether they are a skinny binge eater or an overweight salad lover. People should be able to eat what they enjoy without being criticized. Order what you want to eat and let everyone else order what they love as well. Everyone has a different appetite, despite their size.

Health Over Weight

curvy woman in a striped sweater
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A person’s overall health is much more important than their weight. A person can be larger in size but still healthy overall. When you focus on feeling good, having energy, and staying active, you’ll naturally look and feel your best. So, prioritize health and happiness over the numbers on the scale! Keep this in mind for your daily life and when you view others. If they are healthy, their weight should not matter!

Support Inclusive Brands

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Clothing stores are finally starting to offer more sizes, not only expanding their customer base but also putting out a message of inclusion. Whether you are a plus-sized beauty or a skinny minny, try to support the businesses and companies that offer clothing for all. When you boycott stores that only offer clothing to women under a certain size, you are saying that their terrible practices are okay. Learn what stores are inclusive and which are still fat-phobic. Make wise choices when you shop, and try to support women of all sizes with your purchasing power!

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