How to Ensure You Are Living Mindfully

When you reflect on your life, do you think it’s going by too fast? This is a common feeling, especially as you get older. You may think that all the major milestones in your life are flying by in the blink of an eye. How can you slow it down? While you can’t truly slow down time, you can follow these little tips that will help you savor every second of your beautiful life. Don’t allow life to pass you by anymore. Take charge and try to make it last as long as you can!
Life Speeding By

It seems like just yesterday when you were in high school, doesn’t it? Wait! You’re how old? When did this happen? Sound familiar? Almost every human had experienced a moment when they realized time had just turned into a blur. It’s part of growing up and part of life. Let’s talk about what causes it.
Psychological Numbness

If you tell a child they have to wait a year to do something, that’s a huge deal for them. A year to a five-year-old is 20 percent of their life! Many people believe that our perception of the passage of time tends to shorten the longer we live, simply because of how long every minute is compared to how old we are. In other words, it’s relative to how long we live.
A Brain Issue?

But it’s not just the relative length of time that acts as a factor. It’s how kids process knowledge compared to adults. Scientists believe that our ability to stay sensitive to time slows down because our brain processes less information as we get older. This means that small moments may slip right past us without us ever noticing.
Eyes Of A Child

In other words, adults become desensitized to life while kids are fascinated by everything. Everything is new to them, so they tend to pay attention to the little details in life. Meanwhile, adults are jaded about things like trees, flowers, or even the daily goings-on at work.
This makes time seem a lot longer for children than for adults. We’re just zipping through it because it no longer thrills us as much.
Busy, Much?

Another reason we tend to perceive time differently is our focus. If you’ve ever been at a very busy workplace or engrossed in a game, you already know that being busy and focused on an activity makes time pass by quickly. We get so distracted by what we’re doing that we often forget what time it is.
Our minds aren’t focused on the passage of time. We’re just busy.
Making Memories

Memories also play a role in it. When everything is new (like when you’re a kid), memories are easy to make. The more memories you make, the more time goes by slowly. When you’re an adult, fewer things tend to be new and memorable. So, you tend to forget them easily, and your perception of time tends to speed up.
Thankfully, there are ways to slow this down.
Get Mindful

Mindfulness is the practice of really taking in everything around you and savoring the little details. When was the last time you made a point of taking in the sound of birds chirping, the crisp smell of fresh air, or even the way that the sky looks at night?
Getting mindful of the little things can make time slow down significantly for you.
Slow Down

Knowing how busy behavior tends to shorten memories and our perception of time is valuable. That knowledge can help us reduce the rate at which time seems to pass. Avoid getting too busy or bogged down at work. Take time to relax and space out your day. It can help immensely.
Create New Memories

You could find yourself inadvertently shortening the passage of time by staying in a rut. Chasing novelty and making a point of creating new memories is a great way to slow down the speed of time. Whether it’s hitting a new bar, going out with a new group of people, traveling to a new place, or even trying a new dish, getting a little newness can help refresh your life.
Rest Up

Though this has not been proven to be a reliable method, the truth is that getting ample rest is rumored to help you slow down time. When you’re well-rested, it’s easier to take in information. It boosts brain health. That’s why your life seems to pass by as a blur when you’re lacking sleep.
Lose Structure

Some people also notice time passing by faster when they have a structured, repetitive, regimented life. If this sounds like you, the predictability might make time go by so quickly. This could be a sign that you need to switch things up. Take a break. Switch your regular appointments up.
Not Always Preventable

Because the way you perceive time seems to be linked to how your brain ages and perceives things, there’s not too much you can do to slow things down. Mindfulness, taking care of ourselves, and making new memories are what’s in our control. Aside from that, the most we can all do is just enjoy the ride.
Find Enjoyment

But how can you enjoy the process of aging? We’ve all been told this is something we should dread, right? We don’t think so. The older you get, the more experience you gain, not only about the world surrounding you but also, most importantly, about yourself and those you love the most. Think of it this way. Ten years from now, you will not be ten years older; you will be ten years wiser.
Looking Forward To Retirement

A good way to embrace the process of growing old is to start looking forward and making plans for your retirement. Think about it. You will finally have all the time in the world and, most likely, a little money to spend on the activities you love. Plan that trip to Paris, take that surfing course, and learn how to cook! Your options are endless.
Spending Time With Our Loved Ones

You may think that people’s biggest regrets are declining a certain job position, choosing the wrong major, or not buying a house at the right time. The truth is that most people regret not spending enough time with loved ones, not saying ‘I love you’ enough, and not forgiving their friends for their misdeeds. So, as you grow old, prioritize what really matters.
Write it All Down

Consider starting a daily journal that outlines everything important that happened to you throughout the day. Writing down your daily events will give you time to reflect and savor every little moment. You can also go back and re-read your journals when you want to relive a certain day. Journaling is a fantastic way to remember the little events that make every day truly magical.
Take Pictures

Pictures are a fantastic way to help you remember all the little parts of your life. Looking back through your photos will enable you to relive events and take in all the small details of every event. Don’t be afraid to take out your camera and snap pictures until you run out of storage space. You will treasure those photos forever! Don’t forget to back them up or even print hard copies so they never get lost.