Everyday Habits That Make Women Feel Unappreciated

Ever feel like you’re not getting the credit you deserve just because you’re a woman? You’re not alone! While feminism has made incredible strides in leveling the playing field, we’re still not quite there yet. There are still far too many everyday habits and attitudes that make women feel undervalued. We need to keep working toward building a world where everyone’s voice is heard, respected, and celebrated. Let’s tackle those outdated mindsets and make equality more than just a buzzword. It’s time to shake things up and make women be seen, heard, and appreciated!

Focusing Too Much On Appearance

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It happens to both women and men, and women tend to deal with this issue more often. We are expected to dress a certain way when heading to work, visiting our in-laws, and joining important meetings. While this is understandable in some cases, what isn’t is the regular critique, no matter what we decide to put on. Just think of how many magazines write pages and pages criticizing celebrities’ outfits on the red carpet!

Forcing Traditional Female Roles

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So many people around the world still expect women to follow traditional roles. We have to cook for our family, clean the house, care for the kids, etc. What is most irritating is that women are often blamed whenever something goes wrong. For instance, when seeing a messy house, most people think the woman is responsible rather than the man living in the same house.

Downplaying Expertise

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If you’re a woman working in a huge corporation, chances are that your expertise has been downplayed by one of your colleagues or, even worse, by your superiors. It doesn’t matter whether you have years of experience in the field, worked for the best brands in the industry, or helped the company grow. The fact that you are a woman may still play against you.

Overlooking Achievements

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Of course, the same can be said for your achievements. Many bosses simply take for granted that what you manage to do, no matter how beneficial for the company, is just your job. If it were a man to do the same, he would have probably already received a promotion and a raise. Of course, not all companies are like this, but this awful attitude is unfortunately still a reality in many work environments.

Labeling As Hysterical

woman annoyed by her husband
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For years, women have been labeled as hysterical for all sorts of absurd reasons. A few examples include whenever their opinion didn’t align with the ones of their husband or whenever they suffered from mental health conditions. While the situation has improved, plenty of people around the world still belittle women’s emotions and reactions and are quick to label them as hysterical whenever they voice their concerns.

Assuming They Want More

man trying to kiss woman rejects him friend zone
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Just because a woman is chit-chatting with you in the elevator or has asked you how your day is going doesn’t mean she wants to date you! She is simply being nice to you or trying to create a bond that doesn’t have to be romantic. So, stop believing every woman who talks to you is interested in a date. It is not the case!

Downplaying Boundaries

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We all have boundaries that need to be respected, yet this is not always the case for most of us. One reason men downplay women’s boundaries is that movies and books have taught us that they simply don’t know what they want. If your partner tells you, ‘Never call me again,’ of course, they are asking you to go under their apartment and shout your love for them, right? Nope.

Abrupt Interruption

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Nothing is more rude than interrupting someone while they are speaking. You are not giving them the time to finish their thought because you believe you know better. In fact, some may think their superiority on the matter is so evident that there is no reason to keep listening to whatever the other person is saying. There is no need to explain why this behavior is so problematic and why women feel belittled when a man does this.

Not Involving Them

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Women are often left out of decision-making processes. For instance, how many partners would genuinely consider their wives’ opinions when buying a new car for their family? Of course, this is not true for all couples, yet plenty of men may not even tell their partner they are about to make such a huge purchase because they think their wives have no say in it.

Defining Worth By Attractiveness

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Many people tend to define a woman’s worth by her attractiveness. This can go both ways. For instance, you may think that an attractive coworker is more competent than a less attractive one or that because she is so beautiful, she probably never had to work a day in her life. Everyone should refrain from judging people based on their appearances and instead learn how to base our opinions on someone’s qualities and values.

Dismissing Symptoms

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Unfortunately, still nowadays, women’s symptoms are often downplayed by doctors all over the world. Women often have to convince their general practitioner they are in pain or that something is truly wrong with their bodies to get a visit. This is ridiculous, with plenty of people often assuming a woman’s symptoms are just the result of her imagination.

Assuming All Women Want Kids

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Not all women want to be mothers. Despite this, plenty of girls all over the world still hear patronizing men saying they will surely change their minds or giving unrequested opinions such as that this is women’s role in society. No woman should ever feel belittled because she decides to be child-free or because of her impossibility to have children due to a specific medical condition.

Expecting Constant Nurturing

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This stereotype assumes that women should always put others’ needs first, which can lead to them feeling undervalued and overburdened. While many women are naturally caring, expecting this trait universally dismisses their individuality and the full spectrum of their strengths. Not all women want to cuddle or dote over every little thing. Women can be tough, angry or even antisocial at times and that is perfectly okay!

Being Excluded From Leadership Opportunities

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The assumption that leadership is better suited to men leaves many capable women overlooked for key roles. This exclusion not only stifles women’s career growth but also deprives organizations of diverse perspectives and skills. Recognizing and supporting women as leaders is essential for fostering equity and unlocking their full potential.

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