Sexist Phrases That We Need to Ditch in 2025

Wake up, folks! It’s 2025, and it’s time to ditch these outdated, terrible, sexist phrases for good! While we can’t deny that women’s rights have made progress in the last few decades, somehow, these cringe-worthy expressions still creep into conversations. We all know that words matter! They shape how we see ourselves and others, and it’s high time we leveled up our language and stopped with these disgraceful phrases.
“She wears the pants in the relationship”

This whole notion of a woman ‘wearing the pants’ in a relationship as a way to say that she’s the one in control and makes all the decisions is not only sexist but just plain stupid. By suggesting that a woman “wearing the pants” equates to her being in control, it implies that men should naturally hold power and authority in relationships, which is not only unfair but also dismissive of a woman’s capabilities and autonomy. This mindset reinforces patriarchal norms that we are all tired of.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head”

Is this supposed to be a compliment? Nothing makes my eyes roll all the way to the back of my head other than someone saying, ‘Don’t worry, your pretty little head’ to me. Talk about patronizing. This phrase often carries a tone of condescension or insincerity, implying that the speaker sees the recipient as somehow inferior or in need of praise for something trivial or expected.
“Grow a pair”

If you’re ever trying to give advice and think telling someone to ‘grow a pair’ is helpful, think again. It gives the impression that only men are brave because of what they’ve got between their legs. Such language reinforces the idea that traits like bravery or resilience are exclusively masculine qualities, which is not only inaccurate but also dismissive of the courage and strength demonstrated by people of all genders.
“Cries like a girl”

We’ve all heard this, especially as young girls growing up. What’s more annoying is when it’s used to describe a young boy who’s upset. You’re subconsciously teaching him that boys shouldn’t cry. This leads to men being unable to deal with their own emotions and suppressing all their feelings. It is one of the worst on the list, patronizing men and women at the same time.
“Fights like a girl”

Following on nicely from the previous phrase. ‘Like a girl’ shouldn’t be used as an insult. Again, it perpetuates that women are weak and incapable. If you ever say an MMA fight between girls, you know that this is surely not the case. Your ‘fight like a little girl’ is not only insulting to all women out there but also to the man you’re talking to. A great way to upset everyone!
“Women should be in the kitchen”

Har har har… telling me to make you a sandwich is very funny and not something we haven’t heard a million times before. Let’s leave that 1950’s attitude in the past, shall we? And it’s not to say I don’t have a sense of humor because I do, but these old ‘jokes’ are tired. Plus, didn’t you realize that in plenty of cultures, it is the man’s job to cook meals for his family?
“You should smile more”

Some of us have resting faces. Some of us are having a bad day. Some of us don’t want a random middle-aged man telling us to smile more. And some of us should mind their damn business. I smile whenever I want to smile. If I don’t want to smile, your silly phrase will – no doubt – make the situation worse. If you want to see me smile, then bring me a coffee instead of talking nonsense.
“So, When are you having kids?”

News flash: not every woman wants to get pregnant, and any question alluding to this needs to stop. You have no idea what someone is going through; maybe they’re really trying to get pregnant and struggling. Just imagine how painful saying this to a woman who’s dealing with infertility can be! Or perhaps they just don’t want kids. Yep, we also exist!
“Why don’t you let Him drive?”

There is a notion that women are bad drivers. First of all, there is no scientific reason why this should be the case, and it’s just another male ego trip. Let me guess; if your husband makes a mistake while driving, the other drivers are more reserved about their reaction. On the other hand, if you do the same thing, people will hang out their windows and throw everything at you. This stereotype must change for sure.
“you look good for your age”

The most backhanded compliment of the year award goes to… Just stop at ‘looks good’. The sentence can end there—there is no need to continue. Why do you need to add my age? Whenever you say this to a woman, everything she says is, ‘You look so great despite being so old!’ Why is aging now being seen as an enrighing process? Avoid this sentence at all costs. Again, the same applies to men and women.
“Is there a man of the house?”

I’ve heard this too many times, especially from a salesperson who comes and knocks on MY door. Nowadays, I don’t even entertain them with a response. It’s just a door shut back slowly in their face. No, there is no man in the house. Guess what? We are in the 21st century. Women can work now, earn money, and even own a house. Incredible, right?
“Is it your time of the month?”

Show a hint of emotion, whether it’s frustration or generally being upset, and people think it’s funny to respond with this question. Hey, I got news for ya, it ain’t funny. While women clearly experience mood swings due to the changes in their hormones throughout their menstrual cycle, this shouldn’t be used as an excuse for their bad behavior. If I’m reacting badly, it’s because you did something wrong. Period.
“Women Have Equal Rights Now”

While this may be true – to a certain extent – for certain countries, nobody should make this generalization. Women living in places such as Afghanistan and Iran still face plenty of discrimination, for instance, being forced to cover their heads against their will or even being prohibited from attending school. So, no. Women don’t have equal rights now!
“Don’t Be Such A Tomboy”

It’s 2024. We should stop attributing personal traits to gender. Every woman should be allowed to dress and behave however she wants without fear of being judged for it. While some women prefer to be more feminine in the way they dress, others prefer a more masculine look. The vast majority of them often opt for both throughout their lifetime, so stop passing judgment.
“Man Up!”

Of course, sexism affects both sexes. Telling someone he needs to ‘man up’ is like telling him that the only correct way to be a man is to embody certain traits, such as being strong and confident while letting go of the emotional side. But men can be – and should be! – emotional, too. Masculinity is a social construct that changes across cultures and historical periods, so let’s stop seeing it as a fixed set of attributes.
“Still Not Married?”

Guess what? Not all women are interested in marriage! Plus, there is no deadline for it! It’s not that just because I’m approaching my thirties, I need to find a random guy right away to put a ring on my finger and head to the nearest church! Some women may have no interest in getting married and prefer to focus on their careers, health, passions, and hobbies.
“It’s Just a Cat Call”

Gone are the days when catcalling was thought to be flattering. We all know that it is not! Catcalling is disrespectful and makes people feel uncomfortable and objectified rather than appreciated. This behavior is often intrusive and can make someone feel unsafe and nervous in a situation where they should be comfortable. Men need to understand that unwanted comments on the street are simply not okay.