Important Facts About Men That All Women Should Learn

Whoever said men are straightforward and women are the tricky ones clearly missed the mark! Men can be just as intricate and emotional, if not more so, than women! We wanted to share a few eye-opening facts about men that every woman should know. These things will help you decode the men in your life and deepen your connections with all of them. Get ready to be pleasantly surprised by what you discover! Men are pretty fascinating.
Men Can’t Read Your Mind

Oh, how easier life would be if only they could! And not just for us as women. We can say one thing but mean another. A prime example is telling your partner that nothing is wrong yet expecting them to know that something is definitely wrong. If you tell ’em everything is fine, they’re gonna believe it. So, be honest with your partner and voice your complaints and needs.
They Can Mask Their Emotions

Unfortunately, society has a lot to answer for when it comes to men and their emotions. Emotions, such as sadness or fear, aren’t something that many men feel comfortable showing because it’s not generally accepted. They can often mask these emotions with anger or frustration because they don’t want to show any signs of weakness. So, make sure your partner knows that it’s okay to be vulnerable.
Being Quiet Doesn’t Mean There’s A Problem

If a man is quiet, you can be mistaken into believing something is wrong. I’ve been guilty of this in the past, conjuring up all sorts of made-up scenarios simply because my partner doesn’t feel like talking. If your partner is quiet, don’t assume that there’s a terrible reason behind it. Maybe they’re just enjoying a comfortable silence or think about something, such as what to eat for dinner!
They Don’t Have A One-Track Mind

We’ve all heard that men think about sex every 7 seconds, which means if it were true, then they’d have sex on their mind over 7,000 times a day. There have even been studies carried out trying to dispel this myth, and while there’s no real way of disproving it, I very much doubt that anything would be done by a man if it were the case. So, stop judging men based on random statistics found on the internet.
Men Want To Feel Like Men

What does it mean to ‘feel like a man’? Well, the world is very different nowadays, but for the most part, many men want to be the ones who provide and protect you and your family. It makes them feel good to know that they are taking care of you. So, let them play this role and thank them for their support and protection. This will help your partner feel loved and appreciated.
Some Men Will Struggle To Cry In Front Of You

As we mentioned earlier, some men find it hard to open up about their emotions because they don’t want to appear weak. This aligns with how society views men as the strong ones, while women are seen to be more emotional and, therefore, more likely to cry. As a society, we should encourage people, especially men, that it’s okay to cry sometimes and to open up about how they’re feeling without fear of judgment.
Being Attracted To Another Woman Doesn’t Mean Anything

Now, no one wants to feel like they aren’t wanted by their partner, but believe it or not, they are human. Hey, we’re human. You can see a person and think they’re attractive without wanting to pursue them, and just because he looks in the same direction where a woman is standing doesn’t mean he’s going to cheat. Just respect each other and be respectful of each other’s feelings.
They Want To Be Needed

This isn’t a list of ways to help stroke a man’s ego, but it’s true that they like to be needed by you. It makes them feel useful and coincides with their need to look out for us as we are merely damsels in distress. While it’s a very old-fashioned outlook on life, it still stands for a lot of men. So ask them for suggestions and advice and thank them for their support.
The Way To A Man’s Heart Is Through His Stomach

While I don’t think that this statement is exclusive to men and men alone (women like food, believe it or not), if you cook him a good meal, then chances are he’s going to fall in love with you. They are simple creatures. Food and sex = happy man. Not necessarily at the same time, of course, but you do you. So, ask for his favorite meal and surprise him!
Little To No Interest In Drama

We all occasionally like to hear about someone else’s drama. However, it’s very different when we’re the ones involved. I don’t necessarily think that anyone likes to be involved in drama unless you do, and that’s good for you. I see and hear a lot of men say they want someone who’s “drama-free” when it comes to a relationship. It gets to a certain point when it all becomes a little bit boring.
They’d Rather Fix Your Problems Than Listen To Them

Most men don’t want to hear about how you and your friend aren’t getting along lately. It’s been said countless times that women think emotionally, whereas men think logically, and while that’s a pretty big generalization, it does kinda make sense. Without wanting to perpetuate gender stereotypes further (that’s not the purpose of this article), it is the age-old debate.
Nagging Them Isn’t Going To Work

Has nagging anyone about anything ever worked? Well, it probably has. However, it would be so much easier and cause a lot fewer arguments if they did the thing you were nagging them about the first time you asked them, as opposed to the thirty-first. That said, some men are highly reliable and won’t forget about your demands even after years.
There Are Good Men Out There

We often hear that there are no longer ‘good men’ out there, but is this true? Luckily not! If your past relationships have been detrimental to your mental well-being, it may be difficult to regain faith in humanity, but judging every man based on the few unlikely encounters you had is simply unfair. So, be positive. There surely is someone out there worth meeting.
Men Need Clarity

Do you want a man to help you with something or stop a specific behavior? Then, instead of using silly mind games, tell your partner directly. If you want him to stop teasing you in front of your friends, say so! If you want him to help more with the house chores, say so! While some things may be obvious to you, they may pass completely unnoticed to him.
Difficulties In Expressing Emotions

Sadness is not the only emotion men may hide from you. They may avoid sharing their struggles dealing with all sorts of negative feelings, from anxiety to stress, fatigue, jealousy, and so on. This is because most of them grew up in a society shouting at them that men should never show their vulnerability and weaknesses, even to the woman they love the most.
They Want Your Approval

While a man may act aloof or like he doesn’t care what you think of him, he honestly wants your approval. Men, just like women, want to feel like they are doing a good job at work, at home and in life in general. They want your praise and compliments and they want their efforts to be noticed. Make sure you give your man what he is looking for in the form of a “good job!” or “you’re doing awesome!” Your words mean a lot!