Important Questions to Ask from Your Parents, Before It Is Too Late

You probably think you know your parents inside and out. You might feel like you’re fully aware of their past and who they are as individuals. But there are likely many things you don’t know about those important people in your life. Now is the perfect moment to build a deeper connection with your parents and discover more about their true selves. You can begin by asking these questions that will reveal new insights and help you understand your parents on a whole new level. You might be amazed at what you learn!

Do You Have Any Regrets?

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Asking your parents whether they have any regrets will no doubt garner a shocked response. However, it’s an opportunity to learn about mistakes made and lessons learned, encouraging them to have a moment of reflection. You may learn about the tough decisions they made that shaped who they are. It may even affect your own personal future decisions, and you learn what not to do.

Would You Have Done Anything Differently?

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This is another question that encourages your parent/caregiver to have a moment of introspection. We all sometimes wish we could go back and change things or handle things differently – but what can we take from those situations, and what do they mean for our personal growth? Your parent may be able to give you some very insightful information about what to do when problems arise.

Did you Know You Were Ready For Children?

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If you’re looking to have children someday, then ask your parents when they will know they are ready. Maybe they weren’t ever ready, and it just happened, yet they wouldn’t change it for anything. They could also potentially offer you some advice on timing and what it takes to be a parent. Parenting is very complex, and you will be surprised by how much you can learn when you talk to your own parents.

What Is Your Favorite Memory From Your Childhood?

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Because we never knew our parents/caregivers when they were children, it’s sometimes hard to imagine that they were ever young! Ask them about their favorite memory from when they were growing up, or who their childhood best friend was. It will definitely spark excitement in their eyes and give you more insight into their younger lives.

What Were You Like As A Child?

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Again, we can look at photos of them as children but never know them as people. What were they like in school? What hobbies did they have? Did they collect anything? This allows us to discover more about our parents/caregivers as children.

Best Piece Of Advice Received?

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This can give you a deeper insight into your parent/caregiver’s challenges while also offering you valuable wisdom that you can perhaps pass on to your own children someday. Maybe it’s advice on becoming a parent or tips on recipes. Your parents can hopefully pass on this important advice to you!

How Do You Want To Be Remembered?

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Asking them how they want to be remembered will allow you to live out their wish when they are no longer with you. These types of conversations are so incredibly special, and building these deeper connections will form precious memories for you. It may completely change how you look at your mom or dad.

Who Was Your Biggest Role Model Growing Up?

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Who did they look up to when they were younger, and why? Was it a famous actor or singer? Or a historical figure who made a change in the world? It could even be someone they knew growing up, whether it was a family member or teacher.

Who Was Your First Love?

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Perhaps they married their childhood sweetheart or maybe things didn’t quite work out. Everyone has a first love that will always hold a special place in our hearts. Ask your parent/caregiver who their first love was and how they have dealt with heartbreak in the past.

Scariest Thing You’ve Ever Been Through?

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In times of fear and uncertainty, we often reach out to others for support and advice. Ask your parent/caregiver about the scariest thing they ever went through, and the strength it took to keep pushing forward. This will give you insight into how they have dealt with some of their toughest moments.

What Are Your Happiest Memories With Our Family?

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An opportunity to reminisce together about family vacations from when you were younger, and special occasions throughout the years that will no doubt draw a smile. You could even dust off some of your old family photo albums and poke fun at dodgy outfits and questionable haircuts.

Would You Have Had Any Other Career?

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This question presents an opportunity to discuss other passions, aspirations, and unfulfilled dreams. You could even ask them what they wanted to be when they were growing up. Maybe they had dreams of walking on the moon or being a race car driver.

What Would You Tell Your 24-Year-Old Self?

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This question will help you learn something about your parent and may also be useful advice, especially if you are in your 20s. Asking your parents what they would tell their 24-year-old selves will give you insights into what type of person they were back then and what they have learned to value over time.

Did You Have A Happy Life?

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You may be surprised by your parent’s answer to this question. Many parents often wear a mask to protect their children from their own negative emotions. If you are sure this is not the case for your family, you may still discover that your mother or father had a dark period in their life before you were born or right after. Ask them what happened and how they faced it.

Did You Ever Suffered From Addiction?

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Most parents tend to hide their past from their kids when there is something they are not proud of. However, as their children grow older, these topics become less taboo. If you’re now an adult, your parents may decide to be fully honest with you and reveal that, yes, they struggled with addictions in the past, whether alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes. While we obviously all hope this didn’t happen to our parents, learning that your father or mother had to deal with this will help you humanize them and understand how far they have come.

Do You Think You Were a Good Parent?

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Getting your parents’ insight into their own personal parenting skills may be very interesting. You may see your parents as fantastic, caring people, while many parents probably question their skills and decisions. Ask your parents what they felt they did well as parents and what they wish they had done differently. This reflection may impact how you see them and the decisions they made for your well-being as well.

Where in The World Were You The Happiest?

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Your parents probably took their fair share of vacations throughout their lifetime. They may have even lived in different towns, states, or countries. But where in the world did they feel the happiest? Did your parents feel the most alive when hiking the Appalachian trail, or were they the most content sitting on a beach in the Bahamas? Maybe your parents simply loved being at home, in their own backyard. Learning where they found peace and joy will say a lot about who they are deep within their soul.

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